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首次拍到的奔驰-AMG GT轿车谍照
2017/4/28 8:36:42

奔驰不久前刚刚在日内瓦车展发布了GT概念车,谍照记者就在大街上拍到了正在测试的量产版原型车。不仅如此,该车看起来还采用了量产版车身,当然,车身采用重度云纹伪装。作为保时捷Panamera的竞争车型,这款AMG设计的四门运动轿车还没有一个正式的名称,或者至少目前我们还不知道(或许会被命名为GT4?)。该车造型风格,包括金色的刹车卡钳,前大灯设计和宽阔的尾灯组,看起来都类似GT概念车。至于动力系统,预计将与双门车型搭载相同的AMG 4.0升V8双涡轮引擎,但输出功率会有所不同。旗舰级的GT R版本功率达到577马力,扭矩700牛米。不过,这并非这台V8引擎的最大功率,搭载该引擎的E63 S功率达到603马力,扭矩850牛米。这辆轿车还将提供与概念版相同的混动版本,包括4.0升引擎和一台设置在尾部的电机,总计输出功率达到600千瓦/805马力,扭矩数值不详。车辆0-96公里/小时加速时间不到3秒。预计该车将于明年发布。
Mercedes-AMG GT sedan echoes concept's design in first spy shots
It was only last week when Mercedes-AMG introduced the GT Concept in Geneva and already a prototype is out on the streets for testing purposes. Not only that, but it appears to have the production body, albeit it’s wearing an extensive amount of swirly camouflage.
Set to go up against the Porsche Panamera, the new four-door sports sedan from AMG doesn’t have a name yet, or at least not one that we know of at this point (GT4, maybe?) The styling already seems to mirror the GT Concept, right down to the gold brake calipers. In addition, the headlight design appears to have many things in common with the Geneva showcar, while the wide taillights have remained pretty much faithful to those of the concept.
In regards to what will power it, our money is on AMG’s biturbo 4.0-liter V8 offered in the two-door models with different outputs. In the flagship GT R, the engine pushes out a meaty 577 horsepower and 516 pound-feet (700 Newton-meters) of torque. Bear in mind that’s not actually the strongest iteration of the V8 available right now considering the very same mill pumps out a whopping 603 hp and 627 lb-ft (850 Nm) in the E63 S.
The sedan’s engine lineup might be topped by a hybridized version of the 4.0-liter unit as seen in the concept. Thanks to an electric motor mounted at the back, the powertrain delivers a combined output of 805 hp (600 kW) and an unspecified amount of mountain-moving torque. That’s good for a 0-60 mph (0-96 kph) run in less than three seconds.
Expect the new member of the growing Mercedes-AMG GT family to see the light of day at some point in 2018.
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