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法拉利LaFerrari Spider敞篷版图片曝光
2016/7/20 9:50:25

法拉利LaFerrari Spider敞篷版图片近日曝光。据车厂介绍,该车采用的碳纤维车架经过大幅改进,保留了轿跑车的坚固性。车身气动布局也进行了改进,在车顶拿掉后,风阻系数基本没有变化。该车搭载一台6.2升V12自然进气引擎,不仅转速极高,而且声浪悦耳。与内燃机引擎搭配的还有混动系统,据法拉利接受,该车输出功率和扭矩与硬顶版一样,为950马力和663磅-英尺(约合899牛米)。车辆百公里加速时间2.9秒,0-186英里/小时(约合300公里)加速时间15秒,最高时速218英里(约合350公里)。法拉利将在巴黎车展向公众展示这款车,届时将公布该车全部规格。
LaFerrari Spider first photos revealed
The first images of the much-anticipated, limited-run open-top LaFerrari have been revealed.
Information is scarce at the moment, but Ferrari has said that LaFerrari's carbonfibre tub chassis has undergone significant modification to retain as much of the coupe's rigidity as possible. The aerodynamics have been tweaked, too, to maintain the closed car's drag coefficient when the roof is off.
The real selling-point for the open LaFerrari, though - not that Ferrari has to sell them, as it has already sold out to a specially-selected few - is that going topless puts you directly in touch with one of the greatest engines ever made, a 6.2-litre, naturally-aspirated V12 that revs to the stratosphere and sings like the finest Italian tenors. And with no roof, you can enjoy it in surround sound.
That engine is, of course, teamed with a hybrid system. According to Ferrari, power and performance is unchanged over the coupe, so there's a total of 950 bhp and 663 lb/ft of torque on tap, enough for a 0-62 mph sprint of 2.9 seconds, 0-186 mph in 15 seconds and a top speed of 218 mph.
A public debut is scheduled to take place at the Paris Motor Show in October, when full specs and the name will be announced. Ferrari traditionally calls its open-toppers 'Spider', though has attached the 'Aperta' tag to F430 and 458 Scuderia drop-tops.
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