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2016款奔驰GLE获得“IIHS TSP+”安全评价
2016/7/21 6:35:06

日前,美国公路安全保险协会(IIHS)公布新一轮碰撞测试成绩,2016款奔驰GLE级车型通过五项碰撞测试和前部预防碰撞系统测试,同时在车辆防碰撞主动安全测试中获得“Superior”(优越)评价,最终全部以“G(good)”成绩获得“TOP SAFETY PICK+”(顶级安全车+)安全评价。而它的前一代车型——2015款奔驰ML级车型同样获得“TSP+”安全评价。GLE级SUV标配预碰撞制动系统,在车速12英里(约合19.3公里)撞击测试中可及时激活制动系统,避免车辆发生碰撞。而在车速25英里(约合40公里)撞击测试时,车辆在发生撞击前可将车速从25英里降至12英里,从而降低撞击强度,在避免撞击测试中获得“Advanced”(高级)评价。而选装了Pre-Safe Brake 主动安全防护煞车系统的车型在测试中可将车速从25英里降至1英里,因此获得“Superior”(优越)评价。2016款奔驰GLE入门级车型GLE350在美国市场起价52025美元(约合人民币34.6万元),GLE550e插电混动版售价66475美元(约合人民币44.2万元),而550马力AMG GLE 63起价100875美元(约合人民币67.08万元),577马力GLE 63 S售价108025美元(约合人民币71.83万元)。2016款奔驰E级轿车最近也获得IIHS的“Top Safety Pick+”安全评价。
2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class gets IIHS TSP+ rating
The 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class is the latest car to score a Top Safety Pick+ rating from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The car’s predecessor, the 2015 Mercedes ML, also had the TSP+ commendation.
The GLE-Class SUV scored the top rating of “Good” in each of the IIHS’ five impact tests, plus a “Superior” rating in the crash-avoidance test that determines how well the car’s active-safety technology performs. The GLE’s standard pre-collision braking system avoided a collision in the 12-miles per hour test and, in the 25-mph test, reduced the car’s speed from 25 to 12 mph before impact; models so equipped receive only an “Advanced” rating for crash avoidance. But GLE SUVs equipped with the optional Pre-Safe Brake feature slowed the car by from 25 mph to just 1 mph in that test, earning those models the “Superior” rating.
U.S. pricing for the 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE runs from $52,025 for the entry GLE350, to $66,475 for the GLE550e plug-in hybrid; the high-performance, 550-horsepower AMG GLE 63 starts at $100,875 and the 577-hp GLE 63 S is $108,025.
The 2016 Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan also recently was awarded a Top Safety Pick+ rating by the IIHS.
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