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2016/8/31 8:49:37

最近谍照记者再次拍到了全新路虎发现,这次该车的伪装更少。事实上,该车只是对前翼子板散热孔和前大灯及尾灯组周边进行了伪装。从照片看,新一代发现与发现运动版外观非常接近,但它的前大灯和尾灯组设计似乎有所不同,很可能类似2014年发布的Discovery Vision概念车。整体来看,量产版与两年前发布的概念车非常接近,不过该车不会配备向后开启车门,而侧摄像头也将被硕大的普通后视镜所替代。虽然车厢内仪表板进行了遮盖,但从先前拍到的照片看,与现行版发行运动版略有不同,与更奢华的揽胜更接近。高规格版本内部将提供集成10.2英寸触控显示屏的InControl Touch Pro信息娱乐系统。新一代发现将搭载一系列四缸和六缸引擎,这些引擎也将配备在捷豹路虎家族其他车型上。如果觉得标准版还不够“硬气”,路虎明年或2018年还将推出更具肌肉感车身和更多组件的版本。该车还将提供激光扫描系统,可以扫描前方道路,分析图像,然后将信息发送给车载电脑以便自动调整变速箱和悬挂。考虑到这款原型车只是轻度伪装,这意味着该车将很快发布。预计将在10月初的巴黎车展亮相,随后将于今年底或明年初上市。
Best look yet at the 2017 Land Rover Discovery
The all-new Land Rover Discover has been spotted once again by our spy photographers,and this time around it was wearing less disguise than ever. As a matter of fact, it had camouflage only on the front fender vents as well as around the headlights and taillights.
It’s pretty much obvious the new 2017 Discovery will look a lot like the latest Discovery Sport, but it appears the headlight and taillight design is going to be different and will likely echo the 2014 Discovery Vision Concept. Overall, the production version will be very similar to the concept from two years ago, sans the suicide doors and the side cameras which will be replaced by a pair of massive conventional mirrors.
While the dashboard was masked to hide its design, we already know how it will look like courtesy of a batch of spy images we shared a few months ago. It’s going to be slightly different than what the Discovery Sport has, and will actually have more in common with the plushier Range Rover. As it’s the case with the latest models from JLR, the high-spec versions will come with a 10.2-inch touchscreen display for the InControl Touch Pro infotainment system.
We checked the prototype’s license plate to find out what sort of an engine was hiding underneath the hood, but there wasn’t any info available in the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), other than the first registration date on July 21 and the fact that it was registered as having an orange paint. But that’s not really an issue seeing as how the new Discovery will use an assortment of four- and six-cylinder engines that power the other members of the JLR family.
If you consider the regular version too soft, rumor has it Land Rover will introduce a rugged SVX derivative next year or in 2018 with a beefier body and more kit for going off road. A laser scanning system could also be offered on the model and it will be capable to scan the road up ahead, analyze the findings, and then send the information to the vehicle’s computers in order to automatically adjust the gearbox and suspension.
Taking into account the prototype had only minimal camouflage, it means a reveal of the regular Discovery is right around the corner. Look for a world premiere at the beginning of October at the Paris Motor Show, with sales to kick off either by the year’s end or early 2017.
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