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2016/10/25 9:07:36


奔驰继发布新款E继轿车和旅行车之后,还将推出轿跑车版本。最近谍照记者拍到了E级轿跑车最新照片,新车的伪装进一步减少,能让我们更多的看清新车的外观设计与更小的C级和更大的S级有很多共同之处。虽然这次并未拍到车辆内装照片,但几个月前记者曾拍到新车的豪华内装。虽然与E级另外两款车有很大不同,但对于奔驰车迷来说,内装设计扔很熟悉。至于动力系统,E级轿跑车将与轿车和旅行车共享相同涡轮增压引擎。不过,新车最大变化是重新恢复使用直列六缸引擎。据传,奔驰计划明年开始提供一系列新引擎,因此有理由相信,新车将于明年发布。目前还没有E63轿跑车的任何消息,但AMG将对其进行重新设计。奔驰产品经理Gerd Junginger三年前承认,没有推出E63轿跑车和敞篷车是一个错误,但在新一代车型上,这样的错误不会再犯。

2018 Mercedes E-Class Coupe loses some of the camo
Following the introduction of the sedan and wagon, Mercedes-Benz is gearing up for the launch of the third body style: the coupe. What we have here is a prototype just about ready to drop off all of the camouflage to reveal a design that will have very much in common with the smaller C and the larger S coupes.

While this newest batch of spy images isn’t allowing us to take a peek inside, a previous set of images from a few months ago gave us the opportunity to have a look at the coupe’s lavish cabin. It’s bound to be a tad different than what the two other E-Class models have, but even so it’s going to be very familiar for fans of the brand.

Design aside, the coupe will use just about the same assortment of turbocharged engines shared with the sedan and wagon. However, there might be one big novelty: the return of straight-six engines. The rumor mill is indicating the company with the three-pointed star logo has plans to introduce a new family of silky-smooth engines as early as 2017, so it would make sense for the E-Class Coupe to get them from day one.

There’s no such thing as an E63 Coupe right now, but we know for a fact that in its new iteration the E-Class Coupe will receive the special treatment from the engineers at Affalterbach. More than three years ago, Mercedes product manager Gerd Junginger admitted it was a mistake not to AMG-ify the two cars, but he made the promise that mistake won’t be made again with the new generation.
Seeing as how there’s not much camo on this prototype, chances are an official reveal of the regular E-Class Coupe is nearby. It could debut as early as January 2017 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. If not, Mercedes will organize the car’s big debut two months later in Geneva.

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