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2016/12/8 9:43:39


第三代卡宴最近在进行冬季测试时被谍照记者拍到。从照片看,该车外观变化不大,只是进行了轻度改款。不过不要被该车熟悉的外观所迷惑,就认为2018款卡宴仅是一款基于现行版的改款车型。由于新车与Panamera 共享MSB平台,因此内部将进行大改。有传言称,新车重量将减少100公斤,即便没能减那么多,新车也将大幅瘦身。现行版卡宴驾驶舱太多按键和旋钮。就像飞机座舱一样。而新车将拿掉一些物理按键,将更多功能集成进信息娱乐系统的触控显示屏内。新车内部的布局类似 Panamera,它的很多电容按键也取自这款车。至于动力系统,新车也将与 Panamera共享,包括取自Panamera 4S2.9V6双涡轮,功率324千瓦/434马力。更强劲的4.0V8双涡轮择取自Panamera Turbo,功率404千瓦/542马力。另外,保时捷还计划推出类似奥迪SQ7的车型,后者搭载一台4.0V8TDI引擎和电子涡轮,扭矩达到900牛米。卡宴标准版预计将在明年9月的法兰克福车展首次亮相,随后将很快上市。


Frosty 2018 Porsche Cayenne begins winter testing

The third-generation Cayenne has put on a winter coat to embark upon a series of cold weather testing sessions to make sure everything will be in order at the time of its reveal. Much like the new Panamera, Porsche’s designers are playing it safe with the SUV’s exterior as it’s only going to receive mild revisions, which in the case of the sedan have worked wonders since the new Panamera is a beauty.


But don’t let the familiar design trick into believing the 2018 Cayenne will be nothing more than a facelift of the current model. On the contrary, making the switch to the MSB platform shared with the Panamera will bring some massive changes underneath the skin. A considerable weight loss of 100 kilograms (220 pounds) is being mooted, and even if the diet won’t be as drastic as the rumor mill suggests, Stuttgart’s SUV will lose a serious chunk of fat.


With a multitude of buttons and knobs on the dashboard, the outgoing Cayenne’s cabin looks like it’s derived from an aircraft’s cockpit. Things will take a turn for the better with the next iteration as Porsche will remove some of the physical controls and integrate them into the infotainment system’s touchscreen. As you might have seen already, the cabin will take inspiration from the aforementioned Panamera from where it will inherit some of the capacitive buttons.


Power should come from just about the same engines propelling the sedan, including a 2.9-liter V6 with two turbos good enough for 434 horsepower (324 kilowatts) in the Panamera 4S. A meatier 4.0-liter V8, also rocking a pair of turbochargers, should be transplanted from the Panamera Turbo with 542 hp (404 kW). A Porsche equivalent of the Audi SQ7 featuring a 4.0-liter TDI V8 with an electric compressor should be in the cards as well with a torquetastic 664 pound-feet (900 Newton-meters).


The regular Cayenne is expected to debut in September 2017 at the Frankfurt Motor Show and should go on sale shortly thereafter.



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