当前位置: 首页 >> 广汽丰田注重开发小型车,设定60万辆产能,预计明年建成第三条生产线
2016/12/9 8:39:50


广汽丰田在广州车型独领风骚,与其他车厂不同,广汽丰田增加了小型车品种,而新建立的第三条生产线也将用于生产小型车。广汽丰田新推出的致炫L轿车将于明年一季度上市。广汽丰田CEO Kobayashi Chihiro表示,这款车突出了活力,驾驶乐趣和高质量,这是为年轻人打造的第一款家用车。广汽丰田的小型车战略还将扩展至其他车型。数据显示,广汽丰田过去10个月批发销量超过36万辆,年销量预计超过43.5万辆。雷凌和致炫贡献了超过50%的销量。值得注意的是,广汽丰田已经将小车车开发作为其核心战略。广汽丰田投资30亿元人民币建立的第三条生产线将于明年底建成并投产。建成后,年产量将从10万辆提升至22万辆。而广汽丰田总产量将从目前的38万辆提升至60万辆。


GAC Toyota focuses on small-size vehicles and sets capacity target of 600,000 units; the third production line is expected to be built in 2017

The new GAC Toyota stands out on the Guangzhou International Auto Show. Different from many auto companies, GAC Toyota is increasing inputs in small-size vehicles and the newly built third production line is also preparing for small-size vehicles.


GAC Toyota newly released new sedan Yaris L model, which will be launched during 2017 Q1. Kobayashi Chihiro, CEO of GAC Toyota said that, “This is a sedan model with vigor, excellent driving pleasure and high quality, which will be the first family car for the young people.”

GAC Toyota’s small-size vehicle strategy will also be expanded after the launching of Yaris L model. Data shows that GAC Toyota has a total wholesales volume of more than 360,000 units in the previous ten months if 2016, and the annual sales volume is expected to exceed 435,000 units. Levin and Yaris contribute more than 50% sales volume for GAC Toyota.


It’s noticeable that GAC Toyota has put small-size vehicles into its key strategy. It’s revealed that the third production line of GAC Toyota, which has been invested RMB 3b, will be constructed and put into operation at the end of 2017.


It’s said that GAC Toyota’s third production line will be the leading production line of Toyota Global in the next ten years, and the annual capacity will increase from 100,000 units to 220,000 units. Calculated with the 380,000 units’ capacity from the current two production lines, the total capacity of GAC Toyota will reach 600,000 units.

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