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2017/2/24 8:16:18

吉普将在4月的纽约车展发布大切诺基Trackhawk版本。最近拍到的谍照显示,吉普正在开发这款车,该车采用更具侵略性的前保险杠和前脸,包括在格栅下面额外增加的进气口。吉普CEO Mike Manley证实,该车搭载一台取自道奇挑战者和Charger SRT Hellcat的6.2升V8机械增压引擎,不过引擎的输出功率仍保密。不过该车配备全轮驱动系统,这将使引擎功率不会像在其他车型那样达到527千瓦/707马力。吉普工程师可能会将引擎功率进一步调低以便能使整车其他机械部件承受得住。虽然如此,但车辆0-96公里/小时加速时间仍能达到3秒。目前仍无法确认这款车将会被命名为“Trackhawk”,吉普在2014年注册了这个名称,它更适合这款搭载机械增压引擎的SUV车型。
Hellcat-powered Jeep Grand Cherokee will debut in New York
The Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk finally debuts in its production guise 2017 New York Auto Show in April, company insiders tell Motor Authority.
A plethora of spy shots show the Trackhawk under development. The model features more aggressive parts for the front bumper and front fascia, including an extra intake below the grille.
Jeep CEO Mike Manley confirms that SUV has the 6.2-liter supercharged V8 from the Dodge Challenger and Charger SRT Hellcat models. The engine’s output for this application remains a mystery, though. An all-wheel-drive system might prevent the powerplant from developing 707 horsepower (527 kilowatts) like in the other versions. Jeep engineers might have to detune the potent mill for the sake of the other mechanical components. Still, acceleration to 60 miles per hour (97 kilometers per hour) could happen in around three seconds.
Technically, we don’t yet officially know that this meaner Grand Cherokee SRT has the Trackhawk moniker. Jeep trademarked the name in 2014, it fit the supercharged SUV perfectly once reports about the model started to surface.
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