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2017/3/28 11:16:21

丰田在日内瓦车展发布了2017款致炫欧版车型。这款掀背车与丰田不仅前发布的210马力赛车版车型采用相同外观。车头改款包括新的前保险杠,它与丰田家族其他车型的设计语言保持一致。而在车尾可以看到水平设置尾灯组延伸到车身两侧。丰田进一步提升了车厢内的静音和用户友好水平。所有车型,包括入门级,都在仪表群提供了TFT显示屏信息娱乐系统,同时所有车型都标配Toyota Safety Sense主动安全套装,这台电子驾驶辅助系统包括车道偏离警示,自动远光灯,道路交通信息辅助系统和自动紧急制动系统。至于动力系统,该车搭载了一台全新的1.5升四缸引擎,最大功率111马力,扭矩100磅-英尺(约合136牛米)。车辆0-96公里/小时加速时间11秒,比老款车快了几乎1秒。与引擎搭配的五速手动变速器将动力传递至前轮,另外该车也可选装自动变速器。丰田还提供了汽油-电动混动版,它更安静,但车厂并未提供其技术规格。2017款致炫欧版车型将很快在欧洲上市,而美规车型也将与欧版车进行同步升级并将作为2018款车型上市。
Geneva LIVE: 2017 Toyota Yaris
Toyota traveled to the Geneva Auto Show this week to introduce the updated Euro-spec Yaris.
The hatchback receives the same new look as the rally-inspired, 210-horsepower model unveiled almost a month ago. Up front, the face-lift includes a revised bumper that brings the Yaris in line with Toyota's current design language. Out back, there are new horizontal tail lamps that stretch into the hatch.
Toyota has made the cabin quieter and more user-friendly. Every trim level save for the base model now comes with a thin-film transistor (TFT) information screen embedded in the instrument cluster, and Toyota Safety Sense is standard on every trim level. The suite of electronic driving aids includes lane departure warning, automatic high beams, road sign assist, and autonomous emergency braking.
A brand-new, 1.5-liter four-cylinder engine replaces the outgoing model's 1.3-liter unit. In the Yaris, it develops 111 horsepower and 100 pound-feet of torque. The hatchback hits 60 mph from a stop in 11 seconds flat, almost a full second faster than before. A five-speed manual transmission sends the naturally-aspirated four-cylinder's power to the front wheels; an automatic gearbox is offered at an extra cost.
The gasoline-electric Yaris Hybrid is quieter thanks to new engine mounts, but full technical specifications are still under wraps.
The 2017 Toyota Yaris will arrive in European showrooms shortly. The U.S.-spec model will benefit from many of the aforementioned upgrades, likely in time for the 2018 model year.
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