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2017/3/29 8:29:34

英菲尼迪在日内瓦车展发布了Q50中期改款轿车。第一眼看上去,很难从外观上将新车与老款车区别开来,仔细看会发现底部进气口改款了,配备了新的日间行驶灯,网格状格栅也得到强化处理。新的LED前大灯据说可以提供更好的能见度,而细窄的LED尾灯组则取自Q60。另外标准版和高性能的Sport/Red Sport 400车型之间也有很大不同,后者的前保险杠更具棱角,进气口更宽,底部更突出。车厂表示,高性能版的外观更具侵略性,虽然车厂的说法不一定让所有人都认同,但只是运动版的外观相对于标准版有更大不同。车厢内的改变很细微,仪表板表面采用真皮材质并用双骨缝线。新的方向盘造型取自Q60,增加一些运费气息,同时排挡杆采用真皮包裹并同样用双骨缝线。新的座椅据说可以提升前排乘客的舒适性。Red Sport 400内部采用红色缝线,座椅侧面增加了填充物,仪表板周围采用镀铬装饰。Q50新车动力系统与老款车一样,但配备了车厂的ProPilot自动驾驶系统,不过该系统只能在车辆停停走走的低速行驶或单车道高速路行驶时具备自动驾驶功能。Q50改款车将于今年二季度在全球上市。
Infiniti Q50 get modest restyle, self-driving tech for Geneva
Changing up the formula on your best-selling model is always a risky venture. Perhaps that’s why Infiniti took a fairly conservative approach to a mid-cycle refresh of the Q50 sedan. Given just a passing glance one could easily mistake the new and old models, especially from the side. Taking a closer look head-on, you’ll notice revised lower air intakes with new driving lamps and an enhanced grille with deeper detailing to the mesh pattern. New LED headlights are said to offer better visibility, while slimmer LED tail lamps derived from the Q60 are in effect out back.
There’s also stronger separation between the standard and performance variants of the Q50. Sport and Red Sport 400 models receive a front bumper that’s more angular, with wider air intakes and a more prominent aerofoil at the base. Infiniti says this adds greater visual potency – we’re not quite sure about that description, but it is fairly easy to differentiate between the trim lines.
Changes inside the Q50 are similarly subtle, but certainly noticeable. Simulated leather material with double stitching surrounds the instrument panel. A new steering wheel that draws inspiration from the Q60 adds a bit more sport, as does a new double-stitch leather shift knob. New “spinal support seats” are said to make life easier for front seat passengers by easing pressure on back muscles. Red Sport 400 models are further differentiated by red stitching throughout the interior, as well as quilted side inserts on the seats and a matte chrome finish for the trim around the gauges.
The revamped Q50 features the same powertrain options as found on previous models, but it is the flagship model for Infiniti’s ProPilot autonomous driving tech. At this stage, autonomous might be a bit of a misnomer as the system only allows for limited engagement, such as during slow-moving stop-and-go traffic, or highway traveling in a single lane. It does, however, provide Infiniti a foundation on which to build.
The facelifted Infiniti Q50 is slated to go on sale globally starting the second quarter of 2017.
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