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江淮旗舰SUV瑞风S7 6月16日正式上市
2017/6/21 8:03:19

当前,SUV车型在国内车市持续热销,江淮SUV作为亮点车型,其推出的瑞风S3、瑞风S2等“爆款”产品,也均在国内外销量走俏。记者从江淮汽车官网获悉,6月16日,江淮旗舰SUV瑞风S7在天津正式上市,江淮SUV也将迎来新一轮销售热潮。据了解,新上市的瑞风S7共推出12款车型,预售价格区间为10.98-15.18万元。作为江淮旗舰级SUV,集聚了江淮汽车53年的技术积累,以越级大空间、智能高配置等特质构筑了“大?智?慧?行”的核心价值诉求。车内空间上,瑞风S7为5座标配7座可选,可自由组合随心而变,后备箱容积1358L,配备22处储物空间,车身为4790*1900*1760mm越级尺寸,2750mm越级轴距,车身空间更大。智能配置方面,瑞风S7配备了360°全景影像、AFS弯道辅助照明、ABE自动紧急刹车系统、LDW车道偏离系统以及BSD盲点监测等智能辅助系统,同时搭载了IVI车载信息娱乐系统、智能语音控制系统、车联网系统及感应式电动尾门,配备12.3寸全彩液晶屏及HUD 抬头显示,实现了智控无碍。动力方面,瑞风S7燃油版分别搭载1.5TGDI和2.0T+两款发动机,其中1.5TGDI发动机最大输出功率为128千瓦(174马力),峰值扭矩251牛米,百公里油耗最低8.5升;2.0T+发动机最大输出功率为140千瓦(190马力),峰值扭矩为300牛米,百公里加速9.8秒,传动系统分别匹配6速手动或6速双离合变速箱。
JAC flagship SUV Refine S7 was launched on June 16th
Currently, SUV models are consistently going hot in the domestic market. Starring SUV models including JAC Refine S3, Refine S2 and others are also sold well in both domestic and foreign markets. It’s learned that JAC flagship SUV Refine S7 was launched in Tianjin on June 16th, bringing in another sales wave.
It’s learned that the newly-launched Refine S7 will launched 12 models with sales price ranging between RMB 109,800 to 151,800.
The flagship SUV gathers JAC 53 years’ technological accumulation, constructing the key value pursuit of “big, wisdom and transportation” with its leapfrog large space and intelligent high configuration.
Refine S7 provides two choices of 5-seats and 7-seats in interior space, with trunk volume of 1,358L equipping with 22 storage space. The body size of 4,790mm*1,900mm*1,760mm and wheelbase of 2,750mm shows leapfrog large space.
Refine S7 equips with 360-degree panoramic image, AFS, ABE, LDW and BSD systems, as well as IVI, intelligent speech control system, Internet vehicle system and automatic tailgate. It also equips with 12.3-inch full-color LCD screen and HUD head-up display, moving out obstacles in intelligent control.
Refine S7 oil-fueled version will equip with 1.5T GDI and 2.0T+ engines. The 1.5T GDI engine has the maximum power of 128KW and peak torque of 251 NM, with oil consumption per every hundred kilometers reaching 8.5L. The 2.0T+ engine has the maximum power of 140 KW and peak torque of 300 NM, with accelerating time for hundred kilometers reaching 9.8s. The transmission system will match with 6-speed MT or 6-speed dual-clutch transmission.
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