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讴歌年内再推2款新车 国产车型年底上市
2017/6/26 10:55:15


在今年4月份举办的2017年上海车展中,讴歌发布了新款MDX和全新国产车型——TLX-L((即TLX加长国产版)。其中,新款MDX仅引入混动版车型。讴歌新款MDX混动版车型将于6月3日的深港澳车展中正式上市,而TLX-L则将于今年年底投放市场。新款MDX共推出3款车型,售价区间为69.8-84.8万元。外观方面借鉴了Precisiont概念车的设计元素,采用五边形钻石进气格栅,配以立体感更强的全LED大灯和全新设计的前保险杠。新车采用2+2+2六座座椅布局,搭配黑/棕双色内饰,装备三幅式多功能方向盘,中控区域采用上下分体式液晶显示屏,空调出风口位于显示屏两侧。新车取消了挡把设计,换装全新按键式换挡机构,整体科技感十足。动力方面,新款MDX混动版搭载由3.0升V6自然吸气发动机和三台电动机组成的混动系统,最大综合功率可达240千瓦,峰值扭矩可达391牛米。同时,新车采用了7速双离合变速箱,配备Integrated Dynamic System智能动力系统,可实现Comfort、Normal、Sport和Sport+四种模式的转换。讴歌TLX-L车型延续了现款在售车型的整体内饰设计,并且换装了电子按键式换挡结构。同时,新车的多媒体信息系统也进行了升级,运行速度提升近30%。此外,TLX-L还配备有Acura Watch人工智能系统,并支持Apple CarPlay和Android Auto系统连接。现款进口版本TLX车型全系搭载一台2.4升自然吸气发动机,讴歌TLX-L有望搭2.0T增压发动机,动力表现有望比现款车型更加出色。
Acura launches two models this year, with the domestic model being launched at the end of year
Acura launched its new MDX and domestic model TLX-L on Shanghai Auto Show this April. The new MDX only introduced PHEV version. It’s known that the new MDX PHEV model will be launched on June 3rd, while TLX-L will be launched at the end of year.
The new MDX has three models with sales price ranging RMB 698,000 to 848,000. Its exterior appearance adopts the designing elements in Precisiont Concept model, with pentagon diamond air-inlet grille, LED lights and newly-designed front bumper. The new model uses 2+2+2 six-seat layout with black and brown two-color interior decoration, equipping with 3-spoke multi-function wheel. The controlling area uses up and down separate-body LCD screen, and the air vent is located at two sides of screen. The new vehicle cancels block design, using the new button-type gear shifting equipment and showing scientific design.
The new MDX PHEV version equips with 3.0L V6 naturally-aspirated engines and hybrid systems combined from three electric motors, with the maximum power of 240 KW and peak torque of 391 NM. In the meantime, the new model adopts 7-speed dual clutch gearboxes, equipping with Integrated Dynamic System. It could change between four modes including Comfort, Normal, Sport and Sport+.
TLX-L continues the current interior decoration design, equipping with electronic button-type shift equipment. In the meantime, the multi-media information system also updates with the operating speed growing 30%. Besides, TLX-L also equips with Acura Watch AI system, providing support for the connection of Apple Car Play and Android Auto system.
Imported version TLX model equips with a 2.4L naturally-aspirated engine. The TLX-L is expected to equip with 2.0T supercharged engines, showing greater performance than the current model.
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