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捷豹 I-Pace SVR动力强劲 0-96公里/小时加速时间1.8秒
2018/6/19 11:47:47

自从I-Pace首次亮相以来,其SVR高性能版的消息就铺天盖地。捷豹SVO部门已经表示有意推出I-PaceSVR,近期有传言称该车将在不久的未来发布。捷豹产品开发主管HannoKirner近日接受英媒采访时表示,I-PaceSVR理论上是可行的。但车厂担心,如果投产,该车对于一般消费者而言,动力过于强劲。Kirner表示,该车0-96公里/小时加速时间还不到2秒。他说:“我们可以让这款车在1.8秒内从静止加速至时速96公里。为此我们将为其加以某种限制。现行版I-Pace已经比特斯拉ModelX75D更快,该车搭载90千瓦时锂电池组,功率293千瓦/394马力,扭矩694牛米。车辆0-96公里/小时加速时间4.5秒,已经接近新款F-Pace SVR。
Jaguar I-Pace SVR May Be Too Powerful, Could Hit 60 In 1.8 Seconds
Rumors of a high-performance I-Pace have been flooding the web pretty much since the electric SUV’s debut. Already Jaguar’s Special Vehicle Operations (SVO) department has shown interest in building an I-Pace SVR, but now a new interview lends further credence to the possibility of a production version in the near future.
Product planning boss Hanno Kirner, in an interview with the British publication Autocar, suggested that an I-Pace SVR would theoretically make sense in the lineup. But there is one problem: the company is worried that, if produced, it could be too powerful for the average consumer. Kirner suggests it would be able to hit 60 miles per hour (96 kilometers per hour) in less than two seconds.
"Yes, we can make it do 0-60 miles per hour in 1.8 seconds," Kirner said. "It’s a good headline, but once you’ve done it once or twice, and lost your eyes in the back of their sockets, you might not want to do it again." The current I-Pace, which is already quicker than a Tesla Model X 75D, comes powered by a 90-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery pack producing 394 horsepower (293 kilowatts) and 512 pound-feet (694 Newton-meters) of torque. That gives it the ability to sprint to 60 miles per hour in just 4.5 seconds, which means it’s already nearly as quick as the new F-Pace SVR.
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