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2014/11/28 10:45:40

奔驰迈巴赫S级在洛杉矶车展正式亮相。这款S级顶级款的长度增加200毫米至5453毫米,增加的这部分长度使轴距达到3365毫米。为了能让人一眼就看出来该车与标准版S级的不同,前格栅也进行了轻度改款,增加了“Maybach”logo,另外后门长度缩短66毫米,以便为后三角窗腾出空间,同时C柱位置也有所改变。正如人们所预期的那样,该车的最大变化体现在车厢内,后排乘客不仅可以享受到额外增加的宽敞腿部空间,而且后排椅背倾角可以独立调节(坐垫倾角和高度也可独立调节),同时搁脚板和座位参考点仍未变。奔驰表示,这款车是“目前世界上最安静的车型”,由于采用独特密封技术并安装了吸音材料,可以隔绝绝大多数噪音。奔驰迈巴赫S级最先上市的将是S600车型,该车将搭载6.0升V12双涡轮增压引擎,功率390千瓦/530马力,扭矩830牛米。而未来推出的S500搭载一台4.7升V8双涡轮增压引擎,功率335千瓦/455马力,扭矩700牛米,S400 4MATIC 搭载一台3.0升V6引擎,功率245千瓦/333马力,扭矩480牛米并提供全驱系统。奔驰迈巴赫S级将于明年2月上市。
Mercedes-Maybach S-Class officially unveiled at Los Angeles Auto Show
The Mercedes-Maybach S-Class is making its world debut today at the Los Angeles Auto Show.
Daimler is resurrecting the “Maybach” nameplate with a range-topping edition of the S-Class which has grown in size by 200mm to 5453mm, with all of the added length going into the wheelbase that now measures 3365mm. It can be visually distinguished on the outside by subtle modifications to the front grille along with “Maybach” badging & lettering as well as 66mm shorter rear doors to make room for the third side window which has been relocated into the C pillar.
As expected, most of the changes have occurred on the inside where the rear passengers get to enjoy the additional legroom and standard executive rear seats featuring backrests which are adjusted separately while the footwell and seat reference point remain unchanged. In addition, the cushion can also be adjusted individually (inclination and horizontal).
The Mercedes-Maybach S-Class promises to be the “quietest car in the world” thanks to special seals optimizing the noise insulation along with the installation of additional sound deadening material.
At first it will be sold in the S600 variant with a twin-turbo V12 6.0-liter developing 530 HP (390 kW) and 830 Nm (612 lb-ft). There’s also going to be an S500 with a bi-turbo V8 4.7-liter engine developing 455 HP (335 kW) and 700 Nm (516 lb-ft). Eventually, the Mercedes-Maybach S-Class will get an S400 4MATIC variant with a V6 3.0-liter motor with 333 HP (245 kW) and 480 Nm (354 lb-ft) sent to an all-wheel drive system.
The Mercedes-Maybach S-Class is scheduled to go on sale in February 2015.
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