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2016/9/23 7:58:17

有传言称宝马准备复活8系车以抗衡奔驰S级轿跑车,而最近谍照记者首次拍到了重度伪装的8系车照片。新款8系的某些设计元素取自宾尼法利纳设计的Gran Lusso Coupe概念车。它的车头采用更宽的双肾格栅和向后延伸前大灯,反映了概念车的设计风格。顺滑的车顶造就了车身非常漂亮的侧面轮廓。车身的云纹伪装让设计细节完全遮掩,但可以看到车尾采用了与后保险杠结合得非常好的梯形排气尾管。8系可能与7系共享平台和动力传动系统。在美国市场,消费者可能更愿意选择搭载3.0升直列六缸涡轮,4.4升V8双涡轮和插电混动系统。而欧洲消费者更愿意选择柴油车型。另外,宝马还将推出搭载V12引擎车型,该车将竞争AMG的高性能版本。由于8系与7系关系紧密,因此可能会采用7系的很多高科技配置,其中包括信息娱乐系统采用的手势控制系统。8系车的推出也将改变宝马轿跑车家族布局。宝马将把6系车变成小型车以应对保时捷911和奔驰-AMG GT,另外还将有一款敞篷车版本。而这款大型轿跑车将满足消费者对豪华GT车的需求,未来不排除推出8系敞篷版的可能性。
Revived BMW 8 Series spied for first time
The rumors are true about BMW reviving the 8 Series as a competitor against the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupe, and these new spy photos show the camouflaged model for the first time.
The new 8 Series takes some cues from the Pininfarina-designed Gran Lusso Coupe concept from 2013. In front, the wide kidney grille and swept-back headlights evoke the show car’s design. The new model looks best in profile because you get the best view of the sleek roof. It’s quite handsome. The swirling camouflage keeps the exact styling details hidden, but there are well-integrated trapezoidal exhausts at the rear.
The 8 Series would take its platform and powertrain options from the 7 Series. In the United States, customers could likely choose from a 3.0-liter turbocharged inline-six, 4.4-liter biturbo V8, and a plug-in hybrid. European buyers would probably have diesel options, too. A V12 is also reportedly on the way, which should be a fit challenger against AMG's high-performance engines.
Because of the close relationship with the 7 Series, expect the 8 Series to come with many of the sedan's high-tech amenities, like gesture controls for the infotainment system.
The 8 Series is reportedly part of a shakeup in BMW’s coupe offerings. The Bavarians intend to transform the 6 Series into a smaller model that would take on vehicles like the venerable Porsche 911 and newcomer Mercedes-AMG GT. There would also be a droptop version. This big coupe would then fill customer demand for a luxurious grand tourer. There might even be an 8 Series convertible in the future, too.
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