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2017/6/22 10:48:20

在今年的摩纳哥格兰披治大赛成立40周年之际,雷诺准备推出高性能版的梅甘娜RS。该车可提供手动变速器和双离合器自动变速器。虽然目前不清楚该车动力系统细节,但据说该车将搭载1.8升涡轮增压汽油引擎,虽然在Alpine A110上它的功率为252马力,但在梅甘娜RS上功率有望提升至300马力。虽然有传言称雷诺计划推出全驱车型,但实际上,新车仍将采用前轮驱动,不过可选装四轮转向,这将有助于提升车辆在高速转弯时的灵活性。
2018 Renault Megane RS Confirmed With Manual, Dual-Clutch Auto
On the eve of the 2017 Monaco Grand Prix and to celebrate 40 years of involvement in F1, Renault is previewing the hotly anticipated Megane RS.
Originally introduced back in 2004, the Megane RS will soon make the transition towards the new five-door-only generation set to be available for the first time with both a manual gearbox and a dual-clutch automatic transmission. Details about what will power the go-faster hatchback have not been disclosed, but some are suggesting it will be a turbocharged 1.8-liter gasoline engine shared with the reborn Alpine sports car. While in the A110 it pumps out 252 horsepower, in this new application the engineers are expected to dial the output to somewhere in the region of 300 hp.
It will continue to be a front-wheel-drive car despite rumors about Renault’s plans to go AWD (like the Ford Focus RS) and is going to be offered with an optional four-wheel steering system to make it more agile while tackling corners at higher speeds.
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