当前位置: 首页 >> 新款捷豹F-PACE在国内上市 售价人民币48.98万到80.88万元
新款捷豹F-PACE在国内上市 售价人民币48.98万到80.88万元
2018/10/29 8:46:51

新款捷豹F-PACE正式开卖,共推出四款车型,售价区间为48.98万-80.88万元,新车在老款车型售价基础上小幅增涨,最高涨幅为4800元。新车外观方面与老款车型变化不大,前脸采用大面积黑色中网,雾灯处使用蜂巢造型。车尾灯组造型源自于捷豹跑车F-TYPE灵感,底部排气采用双边单出设计。车身尺寸长宽高分别为4746x2070x1667毫米,轴距为2874毫米。配置方面,新车全系增配松下的纳米离子空气净化系统、隐私玻璃、中控屏由8英寸变为10.2英寸,并搭载InControl车载控制系统,该系统可以实现包括手机远程启动、预调温度、锁闭/解锁等操作。安全配置方面,新车升级了主动刹车安全系统,可以为驾驶员发出警报,并在紧急情况下可以自动制动。动力方面,新车搭载Ingenium2.0T高低功率发动机和3.0LV6机械增压引擎,搭配八速手自一体变速箱。其中2.0T高低功率引擎最大功率分别为221千瓦和184千瓦,最大扭矩为400牛米和365牛米。3.0升 V6机械增压引擎最大功率为280千瓦,最大扭矩为450牛米。
New Jaguar F-PACE goes on sale with prices ranging from RMB489,800 to RMB808,800
The new Jaguar F-PACE officially went on sales recently, offering four variants with prices ranging from RMB489,800 to RMB808,800, according to local media. The new model is priced up to RMB4,800 more than the existing one.
The new Jaguar F-PACE looks basically the same as the old model in terms of the exterior. It adopts a large-sized honeycomb-shaped black intake grille at the front face. The element of black honeycomb is also used for the fog lights. At the rear end, the taillights absorb the inspiration from the design of the Jaguar F-TYPE. The columned exhaust manifolds are symmetrically arranged on both sides. 
The new Jaguar F-PACE boasts 4,746mm in length, 2,070mm in width and 1,667mm in height. Wheelbase for the new vehicle is 2,874mm. The new model uses Panasonic's air purifying system featuring the Nanoe? technology and the privacy glass across the entire lineup. The 10.2-inch center console display is 2.2 inch larger than that of the existing model. Besides, the vehicle is equipped with the InControl on-board controlling system that is available for remote activation by mobile phone, temperature presetting, locking and unlocking, etc. Meanwhile, the new vehicle has its active braking system upgraded which could raise the alarm for drivers and automatically take emergency brake.
Powering the vehicle is an Ingenium 2.0L turbocharged engine or a 3.0L V6 supercharged engine, hooked up to an 8-speed automatic manual transmission. The two variants offered by the 2.0T engine can output maximum power of 221kW and 184kW and peak torque of 400 N·m and 365 N·m respectively. The 3.0L V6 supercharged engine will have a maximum output of 280kW and peak torque of 450 N·m.
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