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2014/2/10 8:44:20


日产执行副总裁Andy Palmer近日证实,车厂将推出IDx概念车的量产版车型。Andy Palmer在接受《Go Auto》采访时透露,两款IDx概念车中的一款将被列入我们的中期计划。这两款车是否都投产仍将视情况而定。我并不是说我们不会将两款车都投产,而是确实有一款车已经确定将投产。这位高管拒绝透露具体哪一款车将投产,但证实投产的车型无论价格、车身尺寸还是定位都低于370Z。当概念车发布时,日产暗示IDx Freeflow量产版将搭载1.2或1.5升汽油引擎并搭配CVT变速器。而IDx NISMO则搭载1.6升涡轮增压引擎和“运动型CVT变速器,它集成了六速手动换挡模式和同步转速控制。”
Nissan IDx concept headed into production, could be introduced in a couple of years
Nissan Executive Vice President Andy Palmer has confirmed the company will offer a production version of one of their IDx concepts.
Talking to Go Auto, Palmer said “One of those two [concepts] will go into what we call our midterm plan. Now, whether we do both remains to be seen. I am not saying that we won’t do both, but we definitely will do one of them."
The executive declined to say which one was green-lighted but confirmed it will slot below the 370Z in terms of pricing, size and positioning.
When the concepts were introduced, Nissan hinted the production version of the IDx Freeflow could use a 1.2- to -1.5-liter petrol engine and a continuously variable transmission (CVT). The IDx NISMO concept, on the other hand, was slated to receive a turbocharged 1.6-liter engine and a "sporty CVT with 6-speed manual shift mode and synchronized rev control."
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