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2014/4/16 10:07:30

据外媒报道,宝马准备在北京车展发布一款新的旗舰级概念车。据说这款车将是未来的9系车的概念版车型,这辆轿车作为宝马顶级款将成为奔驰S级系列中的最高版本,即传说中的S600迈巴赫的竞争车型。据《欧洲汽车新闻》报道,这辆概念版轿车将与宝马在去年意大利爱斯特庄园老爷车展(Villa d'Este Concours d'Elegance)发布的Gran Lusso Coupe概念车采用相同时尚的设计语言。这款宝马最大车型内部配备宝马新的模块化平台(内部编号为G11),而其结构也将应用于下一代宝马7系和未来的劳斯莱斯车型。据传新一代7系重量将与5系很接近,这将使新一代车型的重量比现行版中的入门级车型还轻几百磅。而据说下一代7系和9系车都将在2016年上市。不过,遗憾的是,目前宝马官方并未发布这款概念车的任何信息。宝马美国公司发言人Julian Arguelles对美国《汽车博客》表示:“对于北京车展,我们并没有任何官方消息。”
BMW bringing 9 Series concept to Beijing
It appears that BMW is ready to take another step upmarket with a new concept flagship luxury sedan at the Beijing Motor Show at the end of April. The showcar is said to preview the company's rumored 9 Series, a sedan that would be positioned against top trims of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, like the rumored S600 Maybach.
According to Automotive News Europe, the concept sedan wears styling language adapted from the curvaceous BMW Pininfarina Gran Lusso Coupe shown at the 2013 Villa d'Este Concours d'Elegance in May. It rides on BMW's new, modular platform – codenamed G11 – for the company's largest cars, an architecture also expected to be shared with the next 7 Series and future Rolls-Royce vehicles. It's rumored to bring the weight of the 7 closer to the 5 Series, which would be several hundred pounds lighter when comparing the base models of both current vehicles. We spotted the next-gen 7 Series testing over a year ago, and both it and the 9 Series are expected to go on sale in 2016.
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no official information about the concept. "We don't have any official news yet on anything in Beijing," Julian Arguelles, BMW USA spokesperson, tells Autoblog.
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