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2014/9/15 14:54:29


虽然下一代奔驰A级车要等到四年以后才会发布,但新车研发计划已经开始提速。据德媒报道,新一代A级除了掀背车之外,还将增加轿车,轿跑车,敞篷车和Shooting Brake等车型。到2018年,奔驰将发布新一代A级掀背车和轿车版本,后者则是首次出现在该车系中。奔驰增加A级车阵容的原因也很简单——主要是为了应对宝马1系和奥迪A3,这两个车系都已经上市场上销售其轿车版本。而在2019年,奔驰将发布轿跑车,敞篷车和Shooting Brake车型。其中轿跑车和敞篷车主要竞争车型包括奥迪TT,而Shooting Brake则纯粹是为欧洲市场开发的,该车也将成为A级车最后一款车型。
Next generation Mercedes A-Class to have sedan, coupe, roadster & shooting brake variants
The next generation Mercedes A-Class is still a good four years away from launch, but the planning process is already hitting top gear. According to a report filed by Germany-based Autobild, the standard hatchback will be joined by sedan, coupe, roadster and shooting brake body styles.
In 2018, we will see the launch of the five-door hatchback that will be quickly followed by a sedan – the first time the body style has appeared in the range. The reason for the introductionis quite logical and simple to explain. The chief rivals for the Mercedes A-Class range are the BMW 1-series and the Audi A3, both of which already have a sedan variant on the market.
A year later in 2019, Mercedes will launch Coupe, Roadster and Shooting Brake body styles. The Coupe and Roadster will focus its sights squarely on the Audi TT market while the Shooting Brake will be developed purely for the European market and is likely to be the final variant in the range.
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