当前位置: 首页 >> 2017款宝马i3续航里程将增至193公里
2016/1/28 10:47:24

宝马正在开发2017款i3,新车获得进一步升级,续航里程获得提升。宝马负责销售和市场的董事会成员Ian Robertson近日透露,新车将配备性能升级的锂电池组,使i3续航里程进一步增加。据内部人士透露,i3的电池容量增加了50%,续航里程从原来的129公里提升至193公里。i3续航里程的增加除了能量密度更大的电池外,还得益于升级的软件和更好的电子设备。宝马i3去年全球销量为24057辆,比2014年增加近50%。该车标准版在美国售价43350美元(约合人民币28.42万元),增程版售价47200美元(约合人民币30.95万元)。
BMW i3 to get range boost
BMW is working on an update for the i3 for 2017 model year that will reportedly bring a bigger electric range for the vehicle.
The information was confirmed by Ian Robertson, BMW AG board member for sales and marketing, who told Automotive News at the 2016 Detroit Auto Show that the model will be equipped with an improved lithium ion battery pack, which will put the i3 “into a much more usable range.”
Our source claims the EV could get up to 50 percent increase in battery capacity, which means the range could jump to around 120 miles (193 kilometers). Currently the vehicle offers an 80-mile (129 km) range.
The extra range for the i3 would reportedly come thanks to a higher-density battery, improved software, and better electronics. Other improvements are also planned for the i3 range-extended model, but details are not available at the moment.
Last year BMW managed to sell 24,057 copies of the i3 worldwide, representing an increase of nearly 50 percent over 2014. In the US the model is available at $43,350 for the standard model and $47,200 for the range-extender model.
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