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2016/4/20 10:02:16

最近谍照记者拍到了路虎发现运动版照片,该车的改款前保险杠被遮盖起来。现行版发现运动版是在2014年9月发布,去年初上市的,现在推出改款车为时过早。而这辆原型车只是前保险杠进行了伪装,如果仔细看就会发布与标准版的不同。车头的雾灯被拿掉了,散热孔也比标准版更大。此外,在保险杠边缘也增加了一对小散热孔。据猜测,这些改进或许是为动力更强劲引擎增加散热性能。更粗大的保险杠意味着该车是发现运动版的高性能版本。有报道称,这款动力更强劲发现运动版将搭载取自捷豹路虎的Ingenium 2.0升四缸汽油和柴油引擎。由于该车与极光基于相同的D8平台,因此不太可能搭载六缸或八缸引擎。路虎可能会在今年10月的巴黎车展发布这款车。
Land Rover Discovery Sport spied with modified front bumper
A mysterious Land Rover Discovery Sport prototype was caught on camera hiding a slightly modified front bumper.
Revealed in September 2014, the Disco Sport went on sale at the beginning of last year, so we think it’s too early for a facelift. This prototype had camouflage only on the front bumper which if you look closely is a bit different than the standard one. The fog lights have been removed and the vents above which these sit on the regular model are a tad bigger. In addition, there’s an extra pair of small vents mounted low on the corners of the bumper. We assume these changes have been made to boost cooling of a stronger engine.
This beefier appearance of the front bumper could hint at a performance version of the Discovery Sport. Some reports are suggesting the spicier Discovery Sport could be offered with more powerful iterations of JLR’s Ingenium 2.0-liter four-cylinder gasoline and diesel units. Being based on the D8 platform like the Evoque, it’s unlikely the Discovery Sport will receive a six- or an eight-cylinder engine, especially since an SVR model has been officially ruled out.
Land Rover will likely unveil its new Discovery Sport model in the second half of the year, possibly at the Paris Motor Show in October.
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