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2018款宝马X3 M纽伯格林测试谍照
2016/5/21 18:10:30

宝马近日在纽伯格林赛道对宝马X3 M原型车进行早期测试。作为奔驰GLC63的竞争车型,X3 M(内部编号为F97)外观比X3更具侵略性。虽然这只是一辆早期原型车,但它仍采用了更具侵略性前保险杠和更大进气口。不要管那些丑陋的前大灯和尾灯组,这只是临时装上去的,不会出现在量产车上。相反,X3 M的前大灯仍将与标准版X3一样。由于2017款X3将与去年发布的新款7系共享CLAR平台,因此虽然新车的车身尺寸更大,但某些版本重量将比老款车降低100公斤。而据德媒报道,X3 M将搭载的六缸涡轮增压引擎加装了一套取自M4 GTS的水喷射系统,功率将达到368千瓦/500马力,加上更轻的车身,因此X3 M的性能更值得期待。
2018 BMW X3 M hits the Nurburgring for intense tests
BMW has arrived at the Nurburgring track in Germany with an early prototype of the first-ever X3 M.
Set to go up against the Mercedes-AMG GLC 63, the X3 M (codenamed F97) already looks more aggressive than the standard X3 (internally known as G01). This is only an early prototype, but it’s easy to see the more aggressive front bumper hosting beefier air intakes. Ignore those ugly headlights and taillights since those are only provisional and won’t make it to the production car. Instead, the high-performance crossover will have the headlights seen on that regular X3 we caught on camera recently.
Let’s talk hardware. The 2017 X3 will literally be an all-new model as it will ride on the CLAR platform that made its debut on the flagship 7 Series in 2015. This means we should expect a substantial weight loss of up to 220 pounds (100 kilograms) on some versions, even though the new X3 will be a tad bigger than today’s model.
As for the X3 M, a report published by Focus.de at the beginning of the year mentioned it will be powered by a turbocharged six-cylinder engine taking advantage of water injection technology as seen in the M4 GTS. The German report mentioned it could have as much as 500 horsepower (368 kilowatts) which in collaboration with the planned diet should make the X3 M a more than decent performer.
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