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2016/9/8 9:02:32


现行版SL(R231)虽然算不上一款高性能车型,但它在奔驰家族中的地位很重要。奔驰正在开发新一代车型,虽然现在奔驰已经有了S级敞篷车,而明年7月,奔驰家族还将增加一款奔驰-AMG GT C敞篷车。最近谍照记者拍到了正在测试的敞篷车照片,从照片看,该车似乎与今年四月拍到的车辆是同一款车。该车基于S63轿跑车,但轴距更短,车身姿态更低。虽然现行版采用的是专门的平台,但新一代车型将与下一代SLC共享MSA平台。该车仍将搭载奔驰-AMG的4.0升V8双涡轮引擎,另外还有一台取自GT的V12引擎。考虑到戴姆勒已经开始推进混动和纯电动技术,如果新车增加至少一款可替代能源车型也丝毫不奇怪,或许在新车发布之初就推出,也可能会在其生命周期后半程增加此类车型。据传新车将不再采用电动折叠硬顶而是织物软顶,但目前做出这样的推断还为时过早。不可否认,帆布软顶占据行李箱空间更少,也更轻,但很多人仍喜欢金属硬顶。由于该车仍处于早期测试阶段,因此新车不会很快发布。奔驰计划在2018年下半年发布全新车型(R232),该车将作为2019款车型上市。而下一代SLC将在一年后推出,也将采用织物软顶。
Next-gen Mercedes SL returns disguised as shorter S63 Coupe
The current SL (R231) is far from being a performer when it comes to sales, but nevertheless the grand tourer has a very important place in Mercedes’ history. It’s probably one of the reasons it will receive a new generation, even though now there’s an S-Class Cabriolet and next year the lineup will grow to include a Mercedes-AMG GT C Roadster as per a roadmap released in July.
If the test vehicle seems familiar, it’s because these new spy images are showing the exact same car caught on camera back in April. It’s based on the S63 Coupe, but it has a considerably shorter wheelbase and it also appears to be sitting a lot lower. While the current model is riding on its own platform, its replacement will make the switch to the Modular Sports Architecture (MSA) that will also underpin the next SLC.
Mercedes-AMG’s biturbo 4.0-liter V8 engine will likely be available and it should be offered alongside the V12 as you would expect from a proper GT. Taking into account Daimler’s upcoming hybrid & electric push, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to expect at least one alternatively-powered version, maybe not from day one, but perhaps later during the model’s life cycle.
Rumor has it the new model will ditch the electrically-retractable hardtop to make room for a fabric roof, but it’s too early to know that for sure. There’s no denying a canvas top occupies less space in the trunk when it’s folded and it’s also lighter, but some people still prefer a metal roof.
With this being only an early test mule, it means the next-generation SL will not be out in the foreseeable future. Chances are Mercedes has plans to introduce the all-new model (R232) in the second half of 2018 as a 2019MY. The next SLC should arrive about a year later, also with a fabric top.
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