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2016/10/28 9:37:52

据传标致将推出3008的GTi版本,而大众也将加入这一阵营,推出途观R,最近谍照记者在纽伯格林赛道拍到了该车最新照片。不过,这辆原型车非常具有迷惑性,它的车身组件,轮圈,甚至车标都与2016款途观R Line一样。不过,它的车尾暴露了其真实身份!并不是原来的双排气管,而是四排气管,这与高尔夫R一样。如果途观R真的投产,它将搭载取自高尔夫R的224千瓦/300马力2.0升四缸TSi引擎和4MOTION四驱系统,标配六速DSG变速箱。这辆原型车几周前在北环曾被记者拍到,它发出的排气声浪与高尔夫R一样。这似乎可以确认其动力传动系统与该车一样。目前,第二代途观搭载的动力最强劲引擎是2.0升双涡轮柴油引擎,功率179千瓦/240马力,而汽油版2.0升TSi的功率为164千瓦/220马力。如果该车获批投产,预计将在明年3月日内瓦车展或9月法兰克福车展亮相。
VW Tiguan R spied again
Rumors persist that Peugeot has admitted that a GTi version of the latest 3008 is a possibility. And it seems a Volkswagen Tiguan R could be added to the pile, if these spy shots are anything to go by.

The casual observer might be fooled into thinking this prototype - spotted near the Nurburgring - is just a common or garden 2016 Tiguan R Line, for it wears exactly the same bodykit, wheels, and even badges. But at the back, where there would normally be just a pair of tailpipes, there is a quartet, which is one of the Golf R’s markers.

If the Tiguan R does become a reality, it would share the Golf R’s 300 horsepower (224 kilowatts), 2.0-liter, four-cylinder TSi engine and 4MOTION four-wheel-drive system. A six-speed DSG gearbox would likely come as standard, as it does in the Golf R wagon.

This same prototype was spotted a couple of weeks ago circulating the Nordschleife at a spirited pace, the exhausts producing the same sort of breathy blare as the Golf R. Another clue to the shared powertrain, surely?

Currently, the most powerful engine available in the second-generation Tiguan is a 2.0-liter, twin-turbo diesel unit producing 240 hp (179 kW). Gas-fueled choices are topped by the same 220 hp (164 kW), 2.0-liter TSi motor found in the Golf GTi.

Should it be signed off, the Tiguan R would probably make its debut at the Geneva Motor Show next March, though it could be held back until the Frankfurt show in September.

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